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How to Find Peace and Purpose as a Stay-at-Home Mom - Even When It's Not Your Jam!


A mom hugging her child

Hey friend, lemme get real with you for a minute. 

I chose to become a full-time stay-at-home mom just before my son was born. My husband Brian & I made plans and put things in place so that I could step away from my work.

But just a few months into my SAHM life I realized that only interacting with my daughter and infant son, cleaning the house, and watching Daniel Tiger was just not my jam. 

It wasn’t until I shifted my thinking that I found a sense of peace and purpose as a stay-at-home mom. 

Connect To Your Why 

There are many different paths to becoming a stay-at-home mom. It could be the financial strain of childcare, health issues for mom or baby, and feeling spread too thin between work and home responsibilities. For me, having a strong connection with my kids - especially when they were under age 5 - was really important. We were also not particularly comfortable with the idea of our kids going to childcare when they could not communicate what was going on. 

Several other reasons led to this transition for my family, but what I want you to really hear is that there is no wrong reason to choose to stay at home with your kids. And equally, there is no shame if you are unable to or choose not to be a stay-at-home mom. The most important

thing is evaluating your family’s priorities and goals and creating a plan from there. 

Take Time To Think About You 

When I decided to become a SAHM, a lot of thought went into how I was going to care for my babies. But to be honest, what I was going to need as a stay-at-home mom was not at the top of the priority list. 

Here are a few things to consider: 

  • What do you enjoy? 

  • How do you refuel?

  • Are you an introvert or an extrovert? 

  • and how does that affect your mom style? 

Just taking a few minutes to think through these simple questions can really have a big impact. 

Remember That You Chose This Path For A Season 

When I decided to stay home with my kiddos, I knew that it would be for a season. When you have a teething toddler, it can seem like that season will last a lifetime! But remember that it is a choice to stay at home with your littles and that all seasons change. 

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